Free Stuff!
Looking for something more?

You've found the Fred and Susie Free Stuff page! Click on the paintbrushes to download PDFs of some of your favorite Fred and Susie stuff, like song sheets, projects, fun coloring pages - just print and enjoy. If you're a Fred and Susie TV fan, we've got all the recipes and patterns from the show. Enjoy!

"Did someone say free stuff?"
Here's where you'll find all sorts of fun things to download!
Click the paintbrush to download a page
"Au revoir, Squeezy!"
"That's extra postage!"
"It seemed taller in the guidebook."

The Fred and Susie Show is a registered trademark of Dropped Pencil LLC, all rights reserved.
Click the paintbrush to download a song sheet
Sing with Fred and Susie song sheets
Click the paintbrush to download the ornament
Fred and Susie Christmas ornament
Bunny Buddy Song coloring pages
Fred and Susie TV project downloads!
If you've been watching Fred and Susie on TV, you'll find these downloads helpful for Susie's craft projects. Click the paintbrush to download the page.
Episode 2 Fish Puppet project
Episode 4 Banana Bread Recipe 
Episode 10 Daniel Muffin Recipe 
Episode 5 Alpaca paper dolls
Episode 6 Build a bug instructions
Episode 6 Bonus: build a centipede 
Coloring page bundles!
Coloring page set 1 
(9 pages total)
Click the paintbrush to download a set
Coloring page set 2 
(7 pages total)
Coloring page set 3 
(6 pages total)
Click the paintbrush to download a project